Material changes
To qualify as “material,” a change must be important to plan enrollees. Examples include adding or eliminating a benefit, changing insurance companies, or changing rules for dependent eligibility. Plan changes related to the COVID-19 pandemic that would have to be included in the SMM and SPD could include:- Offering continuing coverage to staff who would otherwise lose coverage due to a furlough, layoff or reduction of hours.
- Changing eligibility terms to allow workers who may not have been eligible for coverage before to secure coverage (this could include part-time workers).
- Covering a larger portion of an employee’s premium share.
- Adding an employee assistance program to provide counseling for workers who may be undergoing unusual stress.
- Adding telemedicine coverage.
- Using funds in health savings accounts (HSAs) and flexible spending accounts (FSAs) to purchase over-the-counter medications.
- Covering COVID-19 testing with no cost-sharing.
- Covering COVID-19 treatment without cost-sharing.